Official Class

Official Classes for Students

For developing human resources in the next generation, we are arranging an educational curriculum, including the followings.

  • General introduction: History, current status, and future possibilities of ITS.
  • Cross-sectional basic technologies: Simultaneous understanding of basic knowledges in civil/traffic, mechanical/control, and information/communication engineering related to ITS.
  • Transportation policy: Technological trends and legal systems in real world from the viewpoint of Japanese government.
  • Short-term exercise on issues in ITS: Students set and work for free themes related to ITS, including social investigation, designing measures, some scientific/engineering issues, etc.

More specialistic details of elemental technologies related to ITS (civil/traffic eng., mechanical/control eng., robotics, electrical eng., informatics, communication eng., environmental eng., …) can be studied in classes in Graduate School of Engineering, and Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering.